The Date

We all want someone with whom we can feel special. In this poem I just try to create an atompshere of a first date. I hope you all enjoy it.

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One Crazy Day

With time people change. So did I. But this time it was for better. I found a lost friend whom I had lost due to my own mistakes.

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Her Wish, His Poem

A girl wishs to be a poem. She says that the words are immortal and this transformation will make her live for eternity. I penned her down with a hope that the writer of these words will to get immortal.

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The Young Magician

Believe in yourself and you may do wonders. An adventure starts with a little endeavor. Presenting you the first magical adventure of a young boy.

Sometimes You Are Not Yourself

Life is full of twists. At one moment you are struggling. At another moment you are enjoying life. Sometimes you are riding the life and sometimes it rides you to an unexpected road. Such is life.

That Horrible Chat

Chatting is an effective way of communication but now and then we come across an awkward chatting moment which we just can't bear. Persenting you here such a incident.

My Friend

Friendship is essence of human nature. One can live life to the fullest only if one understands the true meaning of frienship. We may don't know but we celebrate friendship every day in form or another.

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